Pembrokeshire Cook’s Treat

A lovely gift for any cook
- Pembrokeshire Gold Rapeseed oil
Pembrokeshire gold extra virgin rapeseed oil, bursting with flavour. - Pembrokeshire Gold Dressing
made from their award winning cold pressed rapeseed oil. - Pembrokeshire Chilli Farm jam
Delicious chilli jam grown and made in Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire Chilli Farm sauce
Based in the heart of the pembrokeshire countryside. Award winning pembrokeshire chilli farm. - Beach Food Company Confetti
Mermaid confetti no2 is a blend of high quality Halen Mon sea salt and a selection of our favourite seaweeds blended together by lovely welsh mermaids. - Beach Food Company Welshman's caviar
Traditionally the welsh eat laver in the form of laverbread, but they've tried something new. By drying the wild handpicked seaweed and carefully toasting it.